Sacred Heart Parish Center Campaign
This Parish Center Campaign is to replace the four aging, 40+ years old, buildings being used as the church offices, classrooms and multi-use hall that is located 6 miles from the new church.
This new facility will be utilized for the church offices, classrooms and multi-use hall which will be built adjacent to the new church built in 2012 at 114 N. US Highway 87 Comfort, TX 78013 which located on 14 acres owned by the parish and Archdiocese.
To read the Sacred Heart - Building in Faith United in Christ Campaign Pamphlet click here
To make a payment to your pledge, make a pledge or give a donation click here.
Campaign Prayer
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the abundant blessings you have bestowed on the community of Sacred Heart. We pray that we may use these blessings to build up your kingdom. We ask Our Lady of Guadalupe to extend her mantle of love over us, giving us courage and hope. Open our hearts and minds to your Holy Spirit that we may be given wisdom, generosity, and perseverance as we strive to do your will. May our sacrifices of time, talent and treasure be united to the sacrifice of your Son, as we go forward in faith.