
October 20, 2024 

Mass Schedule / Horario de Misa

Sunday 11am English, 1pm Espanol Misa - Saturday 4pm English

9am Monday, Tuesday / 5:30pm - Wednesday

Scams - Fr. Rudy will not contact anyone by phone, email or text asking for money, cash or gift cards

Mass Times

Weekend Masses
Saturdays 4:00 pm (English)
Sundays English 11:00 am & Española 1 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays 2:30-3:30 pm
Wednesday 8:30 am or by appointment

Weekday Masses
Monday, Tuesday 5:30 pm, Wednesday 9 am

Livestream: All Masses Facebook and You Tube

Loving Care Ministry

Funeral Mass, Mass of Resurrection, Memorial Service or Celebration of Life reception assistance is provided by the Loving Care Ministry of Sacred Heart.

If you would like to donate food items or drinks; please contact
Cecilia Toca @ 830 370-5246, Loving Care Ministry.

Monetary donations in support of the Loving Care Ministry can be made online at the Give Central

Click HERE to Give 

Ministerio de Cuidado Amoroso

El Ministerio de Cuidado Amoroso del Sagrado Corazón proporciona asistencia para la recepción de la Misa de Funeral, Misa de Resurrección, Servicio Conmemorativo o Celebración de la Vida.

Si desea donar alimentos o bebidas; por favor contactar
Cecilia Toca @ 830 370-5246, Ministerio Cuidado Amoroso.

Las donaciones monetarias en apoyo del Ministerio de Cuidado Amoroso se pueden hacer en línea en Give Central

Haga clic AQUÍ para donar

Addresses and Office Hours

Church Address: 114 N. US Highway 87 Comfort, TX 78013

Mailing Address: PO Box 599 Comfort, TX 78013

Office Address: 510 Broadway Comfort, TX 78013

Offic Hours: 

Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Closed for lunch 12-pm

Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Closed Holidays

Our Pastor

Rev. Rudy Carrola 

My name is Rudy Carrola, Jr., most people call me Fr. Rudy and I am very happy to be here in Comfort. I was born and raised in San Antonio and attended Catholic schools from 1st grade to college. If you count the five years, I was in the seminary then I have completed twenty – one years of Catholic education. I have one brother and sister, both older than me, and one niece. Growing up our parents thought us by example the values of family, religion, hard work, sacrifice, and money management. It has been many years since they have passed away but I know they are with me in spirit. From time to time I get thoughts I know are from them and like all loving parents I know from their place in heaven they continue to watch over their children. As a young man the plans I had for my life did not include being a priest. In fact, that was the furthest thing from my mind.  The thought of being a priest was persistent the four years I was in college and the two years afterward. I had built mental walls in my mind to keep this thought out but the walls were not strong enough. I had wanted to do things my way but finally yielded to God and decided I would do his will and not mine.  Looking back, I can now see that was the best decision I have ever made.  It started a journey which I have been on for 32 years and now it brings me to you.

Act of Spiritual Communion


My Jesus, 
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. 
I love You above all things, 
and I desire to receive You into my soul. 
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally, 
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.



Web Management

Fr. Rudy - Approver

Dan White - Webmaster